In case you have not been following, I took it upon myself to do something a little different this Lent Season. How difficult would it be to consciously do a good deed every day? Yes, we can all give up chocolate, soda and other items (not saying this is wrong to do), but I need to do something more this season.
Week one complete...on to Week 2
Day 8
I decided to dedicate this day to my two boys, ages 6 and 10. I wanted to make sure that they knew how much I appreciated them every single day. So, I decided today would be all about them and what they wanted. There were a few rules...1) Nothing electronic. The tv, xbox, DS or Kindles were not going to be used. 2) There would be no arguing. It went perfectly, although we did end up finishing the day with a 30 minute cartoon. I am sorry, it is tough to live back in the stone age!!
Day 9
So today was a great day! I was able to have lunch with Bai's Godfather, Uncle Marc. Afterwards I had to stop at the gas station for a water, and I saw one of the panhandlers that we tend to hear about. They come up saying they are on a long trip and need money for gas. Before, I would have simply ignored them and go on my way. But today was different...I gave them the $10 I had in my wallet. I offered to buy them some food or to get a gas can, but they did not want anything more. I had blessed them enough. Look, I know it is a scam, but if your life consists of you have to beg for money at a gas station and pull this scam, then you need all the help you can get. I figured they needed the money more than I.
Day 10, 11 & 12
Based on how difficult the previous weekend was in trying to perform acts of servitude, I decided that this weekend would be more of what my attitude looked like. I was going to be "nice" and "civil" in my heart and with my actions. I view it as a success. Never did I raise my voice at anyone, get angry at anyone or anything AND take on any aggressive behavior. I went to bed Sunday evening with the knowledge that I was not part of any ill-will. I went to bed with my conscience clear at a peace.
Day 13
Today I decided to pull out an oldie but goodie. I was going to give $1 to every panhandler I came across today. The very sad part is at the end of the day, I had spent $13. It pains me to think about it this way. While our elected officials in Washington are living like kings (both sides of the aisle) and deciding whether to sign bills that effect the lives of ordinary citizens, we have American Citizens who are definitely not "Living the Dream." We have the power to change. This is OUR country. These are OUR brothers and Sisters. It is OUR responsibility. This is MORE than just ONE man. This is about ALL the branches of OUR government. This is OUR United States of America. (can I get an AMEN? Or how about just some patriotic music in the background?)
Day 14
I love waking up and wondering what opportunities are going to be placed in front of me. It is a great way to start the day. Today I did something different. I went into the convenient store where I purchase my lottery tickets (just once, please?). I purchased my two, and handed the lady a five. I started to walk out and she stopped me to say I forgot my change. I simply said, that is for your lottery tickets.
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